Curriculum Vitae

William S. Andereck, MD FACP

Private Practice, Internal Medicine
San Francisco, California

Medical Director, Program in Medicine and Human Values
Sutter Health Bay Area


1967-1971   B.A.  Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, Tennessee

1971-1974   M.D.  University of Tennessee School for Health Sciences,
Memphis, Tennessee

1975-1976   Internship, Pacific Medical Center,
San Francisco, California

1976-1978   Residency, Internal Medicine, Pacific Medical Center,
San Francisco, California


1975   NIH Clinical Research Fellowship, Diabetic Ketoacidosis,
University of Tennessee School for Health Sciences, Memphis, TN

1979   Fellowship in Medical Ethics, John Lachs, PhD.
National Endowment for The Humanities
Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

1980-1982   Seminars in Medical Ethics
Held weekly in the home of Dr. Albert Jonsen, San Francisco, CA


Medical License, State of California: G33409

Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners

Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine


Self-employed in the private practice of Internal Medicine. 1979-2019

Contact information:

2100 Webster Street, Suite 418
San Francisco, California 94115-2379
Phone:  (415) 923-3025
Fax:  (415) 749-5722
Email:  [email protected]

Bioethics Positions:

Medical Director, Program in Medicine and Human Values.
Sutter Health Bay Area.  2002-2019

Program Director, Program in Medicine and Human Values.  2012-2019

Senior Scholar, Program in Medicine and Human Values.  2015–2019

Contact information:

Program in Medicine and Human Values
Sutter Health Bay Area
2324 Sacramento Street – Bungalow
San Francisco, CA 94115
Phone: (415) 600-1646


Lecturer in Medical Ethics,
California Pacific Medical Center                                         1980-2019

Lecturer in Medical Ethics and Economics,
Health and Medical Sciences, Joint Medical Program,
University of California, Berkeley                                         1987-2000 


Chairman, Institutional Ethics Committee,
California Pacific Medical Center                                         1984-2019

Member, Medical Staff Executive Committee,
California Pacific Medical Center                                         1998-2002

Member, Bioethics Committee,
San Francisco Medical Society                                              1988-1994, 1998-1999

House of Delegates, California Medical Association,
Delegate from San Francisco,                                                1992-1995, 2010-2013
Alternate Delegate,                                                                     1986-1992

Solo and Small Group Practice Forum, California Medical Association
Delegate from San Francisco,                                                1996-2003, 2015
Founding Chair,                                                                              1996-2001
President,                                                                                         2002-2003
Trustee,                                                                                             2003-2009

Committee on Evolving Trends in Medicine Affecting Life/Bioethics Committee/Council on Ethical Affairs, California Medical Association
Member                                                                                           1990-1996. 1998-2003
Consultant                                                                                     2003-2012, 2014-2015

Chair, Bioethics Committee, Pacific Fertility Center,
San Francisco, CA.                                                                     1993-1999

Professional Relations and Ethics Committee,
San Francisco Medical Society.
Member                                                                                         1988-1994
Vice-Chair                                                                                     1985-1987

Participant, Bioethics Education Project,
The Hastings Center.                                                              1990-1992


California Medical Association, Trustee.                          2003-2009

Alliance for Science, Ethics and Technology (ASET)
Board of Directors.                                                                         2002-2012

San Francisco Medical Society, Board of Directors.    1990-2002 

Pacific Physicians Associates
(250 member physician group involved in PPO contracting)
Board of Directors                                                                         1982-1987, 1989-2007
Secretary                                                                                            1982-1983, 1989-1992
Treasurer                                                                                            1983-1985, 2003
Secretary/Treasurer                                                                     2012-2017
Vice-president                                                                                 1992-1994, 2004-2011
Editor                                                                                                    1985-1987, 1989-2017

Pacific Heights Medical Group  (7 physician capitated IPA)
Board of Directors                                                                         1983-1989
President                                                                                            1988-1989

International Bioethics Institute
Board of Directors                                                                         1991-1994

Patient Assistance Foundation of Pacific Presbyterian Medical Center
Board of Directors                                                                        1985-1988

San Francisco Zoological Society
Board of Directors                                                                        1992-2002
Chair, Exhibit Committee                                                          1992-2000
Emeritus Board                                                                              2005-2019 


Fellow of the American College of Physicians.   September,  2013

Outstanding Physician Recognition Award, Wishes for Wellness,
California Pacific Medical Center Foundation.   2007

The Best Doctors in America, Internal Medicine.   1998-2019

The Best Doctors in America (Pacific Region) Internal Medicine.   1996-1997

The Order of the Golden Dinosaur, Awarded by the California Medical Association Solo and Small Group Practice Forum.   1998

Roche Award for outstanding performance in Basic Sciences,
University of Tennessee Center for Health Sciences.   1974


Editorial Board, Ethical Times,a quarterly newsletter from Sutter Health’s Program in Medicine and Human Values, exploring the ethical dimensions of clinical medicine.  2005-2019

Editorial Board, Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.   1992-2019

Editor, Hotline, a newsletter for a 250 doctor association involved in managed care contracting.  Editorials published quarterly.   1985-2017

Editor, SOLO/CMA.  Quarterly newsletter for 10,000 members of the California Medical Association in solo and small group practice.   1996-1998 

Editor, San Francisco Medicine.  Monthly magazine of the San Francisco
Medical Society.  Editorials published monthly.   1994-1996 


Integrating Ethics within a Health Care System. Guillermo Palchik, PhD and William S Andereck, MD, FACP. San Francisco Medicine, June 2018

Commentary: Aiding or Abetting? Response to a request for Cognitive Enhancement. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2017) 26(4):700-701

End of Life Options in California: A Work in Progress. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2016) 25(1):111-112

Seeking to reduce non-beneficial treatment in the ICU: an exploratory trial of proactive ethics intervention. Critical Care Medicine. 2014 Apr; 42(4):824-30

The Clinical Ethics Consultant: Verifying the Qualifications of a New Type of Practitioner in a Community Hospital. Journal of Health Care Management. May 2012

Missing the Diagnosis. Reflections on Physicians’ Intolerance for Ambiguity.San Francisco Chronicle, November 15, 2009.

The Emerging Discipline of Clinical Ethics.San Francisco Medicine, July/August 2009

Optimizing the documentation practices of an Ethics Consultation Service. Bramstedt KA, Jonsen AR, Andereck WS, McGaughey JW, Neidich AB. J Med Ethics. 2009 Jan;35(1):47-50.

Commodified Care. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. Included in a special section on “Commercialism in Medicine” co-edited with Dr. Albert Jonsen. Fall, 2007, 16(4):368-442

From Patient to Consumer in the Medical Marketplace Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics (2007), 16:109-113.

A Modest proposal: health insurance for every person. San Francisco Chronicle, August 6, 2006

Teaching Virtue San Francisco Medicine. September 2005

Letting the condition master the doctor (a physician’s reflection on Terry Schiavo) San Francisco Chronicle. March 25, 2005

Put insurance out of work. San Francisco Chronicle, April 27, 2003

Shocker: Thousands of People Die Every Day – And Doctors Don’t Save Them!!!!    with Steve Heilig. San Francisco Chronicle. June 9, 2002

Should physicians accept gifts from their patients? Western Journal of Medicine. Aug. 2001

Can citizens stem the biotech tide? with David Thomasma and Paul Hofmann. San Francisco Chronicle. August 5, 2001

How Can You Survive in Private Practice?  San Francisco Medicine.  January, 2001

Money, Medicine and Morals.  in The Health Care Professional as Friend and Healer, ed. David Thomasma and Judith Kissell (Washington D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2000): 233-243

Non-beneficial or Futile Medical Treatment:  Conflict Resolution Guidelines for the San Francisco Bay Area. Western Journal of Medicine. with Bay Area Network of Ethics Committees (BANEC) Non-beneficial Treatment Working Group. 170(5) May 1999, pp 287-290

Where Does the Money Come From? Reflections on Physician Incentives.  San Francisco Medicine. March, 1999. Indianapolis Medical Society Bulletin. January 2000

The Ethics of Guaranteeing Patient Outcomes.  Fertility and Sterility.  October, 1998

What’s Behind For-Profit Healthcare?  San Francisco Chronicle. February 2, 1996

Balancing the Budget at the Bedside.  Healthcare Forum.  September/October, 1994; 32-38

Money, medicine and morals:  Bioethics in the 90’s San Francisco Medicine. July 1993

Outpatient Management of a Brain-Dead Child. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics.  1993;2(3);367-370

Development of a Hospital Ethics Committee: Lessons from Five Years of Case Consultations.  Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics. 1992;1(1):41-50

A Matter of Life or Death: Physician Responses to Euthanasia. San Francisco Medicine. May, 1988